Our Blog

The following insights provide information and personal experience around dyslexia. 

Preparing for the Festive Season

Preparing for the Festive Season

As an undiagnosed neurodiverse child, I vividly remember the lead-up to Christmas as a time filled with magic and excitement, but also sensory overwhelm and meltdowns. While I loved the sparkling lights and bright colours, the extra sensory input often left me feeling...

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Embracing My Differences:  A Journey of Self-Discovery

Embracing My Differences: A Journey of Self-Discovery

As a child in the 1970’s, I always felt like an outsider. From struggling with junk modelling at playgroup, to being told not to return to ballet class, I faced a constant barrage of challenges that left me feeling different and inadequate from a very early age. My socks were always around my ankles, and I couldn’t, however hard I tried, seem to keep food off my clothes.

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Free your Feet – The Benefits of Shoeless Learning

Free your Feet – The Benefits of Shoeless Learning

How many times did you hear “take off your shoes when you come in the house” when you were growing up? I always thought that it was so I didn’t get dirt on my parent’s carpet, but did you know that wearing no shoes can also enhance learning?

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Dyslexics Can Excel in Creative Writing – Dispelling the Myth:

Dyslexics Can Excel in Creative Writing – Dispelling the Myth:

It is widely believed that children with dyslexia cannot excel in creative writing.  In this blog, I will dispel this myth and show that, even though Dyslexia is a specific learning difference affecting reading, writing, and spelling, it can actually focus the mind and produce the most incredible creativity.

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Naughty or Neurodiverse?

Naughty or Neurodiverse?

Don’t know why your child appears ‘hyper’, ‘unruly’, ‘lazy’, ‘clumsy’, struggling with literacy, stressed, or overwhelmed at school and/or at home?

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